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In-App Ads.txt for Mobile Ad Inventory: Everything you need to Know

The likes of Programmatic Advertising changed the face of Mobile Advertising with making things go hassle-free in between DSPs and SSPs. But as every beginning, this one wasn’t the bed of roses either as fraudsters and scammers spoofed the Ad inventories with damaging both the publishers and advertisers. This unauthorized sellers disguising as the authorized ones banked $19 Billion in…

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Top Ad Network

5 Factors to Consider Before Choosing Best Ad Network for Publishers

Choosing the Ad Network that suits you as a Publisher is a first-and-foremost task when you’re looking out to monetize your App. Every publisher wants to get the best Ad Network on board to generate maximum revenues. At the same time, the publishers have their very own interpretation of what makes one perfect Ad Network for them. Simplifying things for…

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Appographics for Maximum ROAS in App Advertising – Here’s the Step-By-Step Guide

According to GrandViewResearch.com, In-App Advertising is on way to becoming $226.4 Billion industry by 2025. What’s in for the Advertisers battling Conversions? The magical ‘ics’ suffix has given the words like Demograph-ics and Infograph-ics. Not falling for the literal meaning, both the words are about precision and easiness. Here comes another to the clan, Appographics – a boon in disguise…

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What are the best top games-focused mobile ad formats?

Advertising has become an integral part of almost every digital experience and is emerging as the major source of income for most mobile game publishers. Mobile advertising is now a billion-dollar industry and the credit of its effective reach to millions of people around the globe goes to the top Battle Royale games including the likes of PUBG and Fortnite.…

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Too many cooks won’t spoil the broth, but only if done right

Introduction In the realm of mobile in-app advertising, there are several ad networks enabling publishers to sell their ad inventories, these ad networks has a unique set of offerings, benefits, and drawbacks. Most mobile app and game publishers have more ad inventory that they can sell through a single ad network. A single ad network won’t be enough to provide…

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Why Mobile In-App Advertising is better than other digital channels?

2017 was the year when it was proclaimed that digital ad spending had finally beaten TV ads. To be more precise, digital ad spending reached $209 billion worldwide. While TV ads brought in relatively stagnant growth by reaching $178 billion, according to research by Magna in 2017.As of now, the ad spending on mobile apps has drastically affected every other…

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Game Monetization

1. Look at the Wrong Data: Developers are usually concerned about their game monetization metrics such as Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), Average Revenue Per Paid User(ARPPU), and the percentage of payers. However, it should be noted that looking at these numbers in isolation will be misleading. Furthermore, the life cycle phenomenon of the user in comparison to the game…

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How Does An Ad Mediation Network Work?

Introduction: Most of the companies that develop software such as mobile games and other applications have their primary focus on the development part of the application. However, they tend to neglect post-development tasks such as determining the source of their revenue flow. This revenue has twofold uses. How Ad Mediation Network works: Firstly, it will provide sustenance to the current…

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Mobile Gaming Trends in 2017

Augmented Reality: Augmented reality is the combination of computer-generated images and the real world. This technology is picking up pace and is becoming very popular among game developers. One example of the use of this technology is the “Pokémon Go”. Since “Pokémon Go” created a lot of stir in the market, it is predicted to have a lot more games…

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Optimization of Ad Platforms to Generate More Revenue from Games

How to Optimize Ad Platform?  How to Generate More Revenue with Games Apps? Using Ads: Advertising is nothing new, but it has slowly made its way into mobile gaming recently. Alongside micro-transactions, it is one of the most popular revenue streams implemented directly into the game. Players will watch or view an advertisement and you get money for it. There…

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