ConsoliAds- best mobile Ad-Mediation and promotion platform wins ICT P@sha Award 2017. ConsoliAds also has an edge of being Pakistan’s First Ad Network for mobile games and apps. This Friday, October 27th ICT P@sha awarded ConsoliAds as an attempt of recognizing the achievements of home-grown Pakistani innovators. ConsoliAds is attributed to bring up the best “Application Tools and Platforms” that adds value to ICT industry of Pakistan.
ConsoliAds takes a-step-ahead in its journey towards creating a powerful platform for apps and game developers. With hassle free SDK integration, ConsoliAds empowers developers to monetize and promote their apps.
Driven by innovation, we strive to cross new milestones.
ConsoliAds is APAC’s leading Ad network and a one stop platform for mobile app and game publishers to monetize as well as advertise their apps and brands.
October 2018, a mega event took place in Istanbul, where tech companies, executives, startups and investors from 65 countries participated. ConsoliAds qualified in the top 10 Startups among 500 other participants for being a unique and powerful platform for digital marketing in tech industry.

Moscow, Russia
September 6-7, 2021
September 1-3, 2021
Game Hackathon
Arfa Software Technology Park
January 8-10, 2021
Riyadh, KSA
December 10-11, 2019
World Innovators Meet
Beijing, China
December 6-8, 2019
Digital Marketing Summit Asia
November 14, 2019
Game Daily Connect
Shenzhen, China
November 10-12, 2019
Globalize Accelerator
Silicon Valley, USA
November 4-8, 2019
Pocket Gamer
November 2-3, 2019
Cairo, Egypt
Oct 31st- Nov 2nd, 2019
Startup Istanbul
Istanbul, Turkey
October 18-21, 2019
September 21, 2019
Digital Games Conference
Dubai , UAE
March 5-6, 2019
Game Developers Conference
San Francisco, US
March 18-22, 2019
Affiliate World Asia 2018
Bangkok, Thailand
December 5-6, 2018