Case Study
Minor Bugs experienced 15X surge in Installs with ConsoliAds Cross Promotion

About Minor Bugs:
Minor Bugs is a game development company, founded in 2017, devoted to publish exciting games for their users.
Games Genre
Action, Simulation & Open World
The Challenge
Saad Salman, CEO Minor Bugs, wanted to acquire sustainable installs for his games to meet the target of 10X increase in installs and high quality users without spending a hefty amount on advertising networks since he was not witnessing optimal Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).
Already using ConsoliAds as their monetization solution, Saad Salman explored ConsoliAds for Cross Promotions as well. He had multiple exciting ad format options (interstitial, banner, icon etc) to experiment with, without spending extra dollars.
Saad started promoting his games, and found icon ad to be extremely useful. Not only the games’ installs scaled by 260%, he did not experience reduction in games monetization since icon ads do not occupy excessive screen space.

Minor Bugs uplifted their whole portfolio with the use of extremely effective cross promotion campaigns by ConsoliAds.
Installs increased by 15X after using ConsoliAds Cross Promotion campaigns.
