
Android Mediation Integration (for v.11.3.7 & above)

Getting Started

This documentation will help you integrate ConsoliAds Android SDK to get instant access to the best ad networks around the globe for optimized mobile ad analytics and earnings.

In case you are updating to v11.x.x from older versions of ConsoliAds, please see section ‘Updating from Older Versions’ and proceed to ‘Ready to Code

Before you proceed to integrate, make sure you have:

Updating from Older Versions

NOTE: You can skip this step if you are integrating ConsoliAds plugin for the first time

The apps details of the versions older than 11.x.x appear on the ConsoliAds dashboard as follows:

round robin

Once you develop on the latest version and run your build on the DEV mode, your ConsoliAds dashboard will be updated to the latest mediation features as follows:


Mandatory steps to follow

Before starting to develop on ConsoliAds Android SDK 11.x.x, please make sure to:

  1. Completely clean already integrated ConsoliAds: completely remove Consoliads SDK relevant files in the libs folder.
  2. Go through the 11.x.x complete documentation: thoroughly read the new documentation as a lot has been changed to faster implement the new level of ease

Please note that you will be able to add placeholders as per the SDK ENUMs once the dashboard is updated.

Create an App

NOTE: You can skip this step if you’ve already created your app on ConsoliAds dashboard

  1. From the left sidebar, navigate to Apps → New App
  2. ads, mediation, publishers, monetization, ad network, ads platforms, revenue, boost, games, game, apps, app,game app, grow your app,

  3. Simply import your Live app or manually enter the required information and proceed to ‘Finish’ to instantly create your app

Download Android SDK

  1. Download the latest ConsoliAds Android SDK from https://portal.consoliads.com/download/Android
  2. Download the desired Ad Networks SDKs from https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android

Setting Up Project Dependencies

Integrating SDK

  • Once the ConsoliAds mediation SDK is downloaded:
  • copy all ‘.aar’ files to your android project inside the “libs” folder. Please create a “libs” folder inside your Android Studio app if it does not exist.
  • Open your project level “build.gradle” and write the following under allprojects → repositories section:
    flatDir { dirs 'libs' }
  • Open your app level “build.gradle” and write the following lines in the dependencies section to import ConsoliAds SDK:
    implementation(name: 'consoliadsmediation', ext: 'aar')
    implementation(name: 'consoliads-mediation', ext: 'aar')
    implementation(name: 'consoliadsplugin', ext: 'aar')
    implementation(name: 'loaderlibrary', ext: 'aar')
    implementation(name: 'ca-nativeads', ext: 'aar')

Adding Dependencies

ConsoliAds SDK requires the following libraries as dependencies. Open your app level “build.gradle” and add following dependencies:

implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement:17.1.1'
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:17.0.0'
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads-identifier:17.0.0'
implementation 'com.android.volley:volley:1.1.1'
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'
implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'
implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.5’

** Your project settings should be ready to support ConsoliAds in your android code to add all the ad placements for all supported ad formats **

Ready to Code

SDK Initialization

ConsoliAds SDK needs to be explicitly initialized, using the following code.

ConsoliAds.Instance().initialize(boolean isDevMode, final boolean userConsent, Activity aRef ,String userSignature);

devMode: when true, it simulates the development environment and prevents developers from changing Live app settings. Complete app development should be done with ‘Dev Mode’ ON. When an app is ready to be published, ‘Dev Mode’ MUST BE turned OFF. (NOTE: Don’t forget to see ‘More About Dev Mode’ section before making the final build)

userConsent: TRUE if user agrees to share his data and opts for personalized ads, FALSE otherwise. This flag is used for GDPR and CCPA compliance both.

aRef: reference of the current Activity

userSignature: string to identify the user according to his role and rights provided on the ConsoliAds dashboard

a. The user signature can be obtained by going to your Personal Info by clicking on your name in the right corner of the top bar on your dashboardb. Copy the required user signature for the above initialize argument

personal information

NOTE: all initialize params cannot be modified once ConsoliAds is initialized

Show Interstitial/Video Ad

Load Interstitial Ad

Showing interstitial ad requires loading it beforehand. Use the following method to load a interstitial ad:


It is highly recommended to call LoadInterstitial() as early as possible to allow ads to be pre-loaded.

NOTE: calling LoadInterstitial multiple times does not results in multiple ad network requests

Check Interstitial/Video Ad Availability

Despite having the ad load called, interstitial ad availability should be explicitly checked. Check interstitial ad availability by using following method:


NativePlaceholderName: enum of the placeholder (such as NativePlaceholderName.Default, NativePlaceholderName.Activity1) from the ‘Placeholders’ tab in your app details of the ConsoliAds dashboard. No placeholder value is required if you do not have your own placeholders added.

Return value (boolean):

  • True if the ad is available
  • False if the ad is not available
Show Interstitial Video

Now add the following lines of code to show an interstitial ad in your app:

ConsoliAds.Instance().ShowInterstitial(Activity aRef)
ConsoliAds.Instance().ShowInterstitial(NativePlaceholderName nativePlaceholderName , Activity aRef)

Parameter details:

  • NativePlaceholderName: enum of the placeholder (such as NativePlaceholderName.Default, NativePlaceholderName.Activity1) from the ‘Placeholders’ tab in your app details of the ConsoliAds dashboard. No placeholder value is required if you do not have your own placeholders added.
  • aRef: Reference of the Activity

NOTE: the respective placeholder must have an ad network added from the ConsoliAds dashboard, else no ad will be displayed

Show Rewarded Video Ad

Load Rewarded Ad

Showing rewarded video requires loading it beforehand. Use the following method to load a rewarded ad:


It is highly recommended to call LoadRewarded() as early as possible to allow videos to be pre-loaded.

Availability of Rewarded Ad

Despite having the ad load called, rewarded video availability should be explicitly checked. Check rewarded video ad availability by using following method:


NativePlaceholderName: enum of the placeholder (such as NativePlaceholderName.Default, NativePlaceholderName.MainMenu) from the ‘Placeholders’ tab in your app details of the ConsoliAds dashboard. No placeholder value is required if you do not have your own placeholders added.

Return value (boolean):

  • True if the ad is available
  • False if the ad is not available
Show Rewarded Video
ConsoliAds.Instance.ShowRewardedVideo(Activity aRef);
ConsoliAds.Instance.ShowRewardedVideo(NativePlaceholderName nativePlaceholderName , Activity aRef);

Parameter details:

  • NativePlaceholderName: enum of the placeholder (such as NativePlaceholderName.Default, NativePlaceholderName.Activity1) from the ‘Placeholders’ tab in your app details of the ConsoliAds dashboard. No placeholder value is required if you do not have your own placeholders added.
  • aRef: Reference of the active Activity

NOTE: the respective placeholder must have an ad network added from the ConsoliAds dashboard, else no ad will be displayed

Reward Users

In order to reward your user, a callback needs to be implemented with your lines of code to incentivize the user. ConsoliAds mediation SDK implements a single callback irregardless of any ad network used.

Implement the interface ConsoliAdsRewardedListener to provide the following definition of the method to reward your users:

public void onRewardedVideoAdCompletedEvent()
// Write your code to reward your user here

Show Banner Ad

To show banner ad you need to first add the following view to your required activity xml:


Get the banner view as follows:

CAMediatedBannerView mediatedBannerView = findViewById(R.id.consoli_banner_view);

Now use the following code to display the banner:

ConsoliAds.Instance().ShowBanner(Activity aRef, CAMediatedBannerView mediatedBannerView);
ConsoliAds.Instance().ShowBanner(NativePlaceholderName nativePlaceholderName , Activity aRef, CAMediatedBannerView mediatedBannerView);

Parameter details:

  • NativePlaceholderName: enum of the placeholder (such as NativePlaceholderName.Default, NativePlaceholderName.Activity1) from the ‘Placeholders’ tab in your app details of the ConsoliAds dashboard. No placeholder value is required if you do not have your own placeholders added.
  • aRef: Reference of the active Activity

NOTE: ConsoliAds SDK supports only one banner per activity.

Show Custom Banner

Admob users can show custom banner by setting property of the mediated view before ShowBanner call;

mediatedBannerView.setCustomBanner(int width , int height);
ConsoliAds.Instance().ShowBanner(NativePlaceholderName nativePlaceholderName , Activity aRef, CAMediatedBannerView mediatedBannerView);

Hide Banner Ad

To hide banner, use the following:

if(mediatedBannerView != null) 

Add Banner Listener

To receive callbacks for banner ad type, add banner listener on the mediated view as follows:

cAMediatedBannerView.setBannerListener(ConsoliAdsBannerListener consoliAdsBannerListener);

Show Native Ad

Add the following NativeView in your xml where you want to show the native ad:




            android:layout_height="35dp" />


                android:textSize="15sp" />

                android:textSize="12sp" />






                android:textSize="12sp" />

                android:textSize="12sp" />


            android:textSize="12sp" />



Declare native ad components in your activity:

TextView title , subtitle , body , sponsored;
CANativeAdView adView;
CAAdChoicesView adChoicesView;
CAAppIconView appIconView;
CAMediaView mediaView;
CACallToActionView actionView;
MediatedNativeAd mediatedNativeAd;

Now initialize the declared ad components:

title = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_title);
subtitle = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_sub_title);
body = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_body);
sponsored = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_sponsored_label);
adView = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_frame);
adChoicesView = findViewById(R.id.ad_choices_container);
appIconView = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_icon);
mediaView = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_media);
actionView = findViewById(R.id.native_ad_call_to_action);

Show native ad using:

ConsoliAds.Instance().loadNativeAd(NativePlaceholderName nativePlaceholderName, NativeAdActivity.this, new ConsoliAdsNativeListener() 
    public void onNativeAdLoaded(MediatedNativeAd ad) 
        mediatedNativeAd = ad;
        mediatedNativeAd.registerViewForInteraction(NativeAdActivity.this , appIconView , mediaView , actionView ,                          adView,adChoicesView);
    public void onNativeAdLoadFailed() 

You can destroy native ad using:

if(mediatedNativeAd != null)

Show Icon Ad

Add the following xml in your required activity view:


Load and show icon ad using:

IconAdView iconAdView = findViewById(R.id.consoli_icon_view);
ConsoliAds.Instance().showIconAd(Activity activity, IconAdView iconAdView, IconSize iconSize, ConsoliAdsIconListener consoliAdsIconListener);
ConsoliAds.Instance().showIconAd(NativePlaceholderName nativePlaceholderName, Activity activity, IconAdView iconAdView, IconSize iconSize, ConsoliAdsIconListener consoliAdsIconListener);

Icon ads can be shown with different types of animations. You can pass following possible enum values to the setIcon function:

  • NONE

Hide All Ads

You can hide all ads, except Rewarded Ads, from your entire app, by using the following:


NOTE: You only need to call this method once in your script to hide all ads from your app

Using More Apps URL and Support Email

  • The more apps URL and support email are added against a particular brand
  • When an app of the respective brand is configured, the more apps URL and support email are available for use
  • To access more apps URL, use:
  • To access support email, use:

Build and Run

Enable the Dev Mode by passing “true” for “isDevMode” parameter in initialize() method. Build and Run your project, this will sync your project settings with the application on the portal. There is no more Configure Server.

More About Dev Mode

  • Please note that the ‘Dev Mode’ has its own following settings to modify your app under development before impacting the LIVE app:
    • Test Mode
    • Hide All Ads
    • Ad Showing Mechanism
  • If you make your build with ‘Dev Mode’ enabled, the ad configurations from ‘Dev. Placeholder and Ads‘ tab on the dashboard would be used.
  • If you make your build with ‘Dev Mode’ disabled, the ad configurations from ‘Live Placeholder and Ads‘ tab on the dashboard would be used.
  • After adding or editing Ad IDs for Admob, Chartboost or Facebook. It is necessary to click the “Apply to Live” button to be applied on Live placeholders and ads
Applying Dev Settings to Live

In order to see the ‘Dev Mode’ settings on ConsoliAds dashboard, open the ‘Placeholder & Ads (DEV)‘ tab in the details of your specific app as shown below:


Click ‘Apply to Live’ to apply these configurations to your live app.

NOTE: if the configurations are mistakenly applied to LIVE, you can undo by modifying the DEV configurations and applying again.

Note dev

App Settings on ConsoliAds Dashboard

After successfully integrating your app with ConsoliAds SDK, following app settings can be explored on the ConsoliAds dashboard in the App Details section:

Test Mode

By Default a new application is in Test Mode. In Test Mode only test ads are shown. Test Mode can ONLY be disabled by importing your app’s Live credentials in the Details tab.

Ad Network IDs

If you are using Admob, Facebook Audience Network or Chartboost you need to provide their Ad IDs on the dashboard in your

app Ad Networks section.

All other integrated ad networks will automatically go Live once your app’s Test Mode is disabled.

Ad Filters

Apply all ad filters, for the integrated ad networks, with complete ease from the ConsoliAds dashboard in the Ad Filters section of the app details.

Debug Logs

If enabled, debug logs will be shown for your app in respective editors for Android and iOS.

Child Directed

Child Directed enables your application with complete COPPA compliance.

Hide Ads

All ads, except Rewarded Videos, can be completely turned OFF using Hide Ads on the dashboard.

Auto Mediation

Auto Mediation automatically optimizes your ad networks for each region and each ad format pertaining to every placeholder in your app such that you get the best eCPMs.

We highly recommend to use Auto Mediation in order to witness instant revenue increments upto 20%

For Advance Development

More Interface Listeners

ConsoliAds implements a single callback for all Ad Networks to notify when SDK is ready to use. Add the following in onCreate() of your Activity to set ConsoliAds Initialization listener:


public interface ConsoliAdsListener 
    void onConsoliAdsInitializationSuccess();
Interstitial Listeners

Add the following in onCreate() of your Activity to set interstitial listener:


public interface ConsoliAdsInterstitialListener 
    void onInterstitialAdShownEvent(PlaceholderName placeholderName);
    void onInterstitialAdClickedEvent();
    void onInterstitialAdClosedEvent();
    void onInterstitialAdFailedToShowEvent(PlaceholderName placeholderName);
    Void onInterstitialAdFailToLoadEvent();
    void onInterstitialAdLoadedEvent();
Rewarded Video Listeners

Add the following in onCreate() of your Activity to set rewarded video listener:


public interface ConsoliAdsRewardedListener 
    void onRewardedVideoAdLoadedEvent();
    void onRewardedVideoAdShownEvent();
    void onRewardedVideoAdCompletedEvent();
    void onRewardedVideoAdClickEvent();
    void onRewardedVideoAdFailToLoadEvent();
    void onRewardedVideoAdFailToShowEvent();
    void onRewardedVideoAdClosedEvent();
Banner Listeners
public interface ConsoliAdsBannerListener 
    void onBannerAdShownEvent();
    void onBannerAdFailToShowEvent();
    void onBannerAdClickEvent();
    void onBannerAdRefreshEvent();
Icon Listeners
public interface ConsoliAdsIconListener {
    void onIconAdLoadEvent();
    void onIconAdLoadFailedEvent();
    void onIconAdRefreshEvent();
    void onIconAdShownEvent();
    void onIconAdClosedEvent();
    void onIconAdClickEvent();
Native Listeners
public abstract class ConsoliAdsNativeListener 
    public abstract void onNativeAdLoaded(MediatedNativeAd mediatedNativeAd);
    public void onNativeAdLoadFailed();
    public void onNativeAdClicked();
    public void onNativeAdShown();
    public void onNativeAdFailedToShow();

Multiple Native Ads in a View

To load native ads in list use:

private void loadNativeAd() 
    ConsoliAds.Instance().loadNativeAd(NativePlaceholderName nativePlaceholderName, , ConsoliAdsListActivity.this, new ConsoliAdsNativeListener() 
        public void onNativeAdLoaded(MediatedNativeAd mediatedNativeAd) 
            dataList.add(listIndex , mediatedNativeAd);
        public void onNativeAdLoadFailed() 

Use this code in RecyclerView Adapter:

private class ConsoliadsNativeAdViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder 
    TextView title , subtitle , body ,;
    CANativeAdView adView;
    CAAdChoicesView adChoicesView;
    CAAppIconView appIconView;
    CAMediaView mediaView;
    CACallToActionView actionView;

    ConsoliadsNativeAdViewHolder(View itemView) 
	title = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_title);
	subtitle = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_sub_title);
	body = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_body);
	sponsored = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_sponsored_label);
	adView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_frame);
	adChoicesView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.ad_choices_container);
	appIconView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_icon);
	mediaView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_media);
	actionView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.native_ad_call_to_action);

Bind this view in your Adapter:

ConsoliadsNativeAdViewHolder consoliadsNativeAdViewHolder = (ConsoliadsNativeAdViewHolder) holder;
MediatedNativeAd mediatedNativeAd = (MediatedNativeAd) recipeList.get(position);
mediatedNativeAd.registerViewForInteraction((Activity) context,
    consoliadsNativeAdViewHolder.appIconView, consoliadsNativeAdViewHolder.mediaView,
    consoliadsNativeAdViewHolder.adView, consoliadsNativeAdViewHolder.adChoicesView);

Add/Remove Ad Networks


Add AdMob
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Admob mediation SDK
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
  4. admob-mediation.aar
  5. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Admob mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name:'admob-mediation', ext: 'aar')
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:19.8.0'

Note: According to the Admob documentation if you are using play services version greater than 17.x then you have to make sure that you add your Admob appID inside AndroidManifest.xml file. Otherwise, your app will crash.

Remove AdMob Ad Network

Please remove the following files from your project:


In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Admob mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'admob-mediation', ext: 'aar')
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:19.8.0'


Add Adcolony

Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.

  1. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Adcolony mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  2. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • adcolony-mediation.aar
  3. Open your app level “build.gradle”, and write the following line to import ConsoliAds Adcolony mediation inside dependencies.
implementation(name:'adcolony-mediation', ext:'aar')
Remove Adcolony

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • adcolony-mediation.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Adcolony mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'adcolony-mediation', ext:'aar')

Unity Ads

Add Unity Ads
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds UnityAds mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • unityads-mediation.aar
    • unity-ads_v3.7.1.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds UnityAds mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name:'unityads-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'unity-ads_v3.7.1', ext:'aar')
Remove Unity Ads

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • unityads-mediation.aar
  • unity-ads_v3.7.1.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds UnityAds mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'unityads-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'unity-ads_v3.7.1', ext:'aar')

Facebook Audience Network

Add Facebook Audience
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Facebook mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • facebook-mediation.aar
    • AudienceNetwork_v6.3.0.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Facebook mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name:'AudienceNetwork_v6.3.0', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'facebook-mediation', ext:'aar')
Remove Facebook Audience

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • facebook-mediation.aar
  • AudienceNetwork_v6.3.0.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Facebook mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'AudienceNetwork_v6.3.0', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'facebook-mediation', ext:'aar')


Add Applovin
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Applovin mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • applovin-mediation.aar
    • applovin-sdk-10.1.2.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds AppLovin mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name:'applovin-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'applovin-sdk-10.1.2', ext:'aar')
Remove Applovin

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • applovin-mediation.aar
  • applovin-sdk-10.1.2.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds AppLovin mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'applovin-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'applovin-sdk-10.1.2', ext:'aar')


Add Chartboost
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Chartboost mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • Chartboost-mediation.aar
    • chartboost-sdk-8.2.0.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Chartboost mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name:'chartboost-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'chartboost-sdk-8.2.0.aar', ext:'aar')
Remove Chartboost

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • Chartboost-mediation.aar
  • chartboost-sdk-8.2.0.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Chartboost mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'chartboost-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name:'chartboost-sdk-8.2.0.aar', ext:'aar')


Add IronSource
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds IronSource mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • ironsource-mediation.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds IronSource mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name:'ironsource-mediation', ext:'aar')
Remove IronSource

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • ironsource-mediation.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds IronSource mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'ironsource-mediation', ext:'aar')


Add Kidoz
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Kidoz mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • kidoz-mediation.aar
    • KidozSDK-8.9.0.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Kidoz mediation in dependencies.
implementation (name:'kidoz-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation (name:'KidozSDK-8.9.0', ext:'aar')
Remove Kidoz

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • kidoz-mediation.aar
  • KidozSDK-8.9.0.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Kidoz mediation in dependencies.

implementation (name:'kidoz-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation (name:'KidozSDK-8.9.0', ext:'aar')


Add Mintegral
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Mintegral mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • mintegral-mediation.aar
    • mbridge_interactiveads.aar
    • mbridge_interstitial.aar
    • mbridge_interstitialvideo.aar
    • mbridge_mbbanner.aar
    • mbridge_mbbid.aar
    • mbridge_mbjscommon.aar
    • mbridge_mbnative.aar
    • mbridge_nativeex.aar
    • mbridge_playercommon.aar
    • mbridge_reward.aar
    • mbridge_same.aar
    • mbridge_videocommon.aar
    • mbridge_videojs.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Mintegral mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name: 'mintegral-mediation', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_interactiveads', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_interstitial', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_interstitialvideo', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbbanner', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbbid', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbjscommon', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbnative', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_nativeex', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_playercommon', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_reward', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_same', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_videocommon', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_videojs', ext: 'aar')
Remove Mintegral

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • mintegral-mediation.aar
  • mbridge_interactiveads.aar
  • mbridge_interstitial.aar
  • mbridge_interstitialvideo.aar
  • mbridge_mbbanner.aar
  • mbridge_mbbid.aar
  • mbridge_mbjscommon.aar
  • mbridge_mbnative.aar
  • mbridge_nativeex.aar
  • mbridge_playercommon.aar
  • mbridge_reward.aar
  • mbridge_same.aar
  • mbridge_videocommon.aar
  • mbridge_videojs.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Mintegral mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name: 'mintegral-mediation', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_interactiveads', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_interstitial', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_interstitialvideo', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbbanner', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbbid', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbjscommon', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_mbnative', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_nativeex', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_playercommon', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_reward', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_same', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_videocommon', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mbridge_videojs', ext: 'aar')


Add Mopub
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Mopub mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • mopub-sdk-5.16.4.aar
    • mopub-sdk-banner-5.16.4.aar
    • mopub-sdk-base-5.16.4.aar
    • mopub-sdk-fullscreen-5.16.4.aar
    • mopub-sdk-native-static-5.16.4.aar
    • Mopub-sdk-native-video-5.16.4.aar
    • Mopub-volley-2.1.0.aar
    • omsdk-android-1.3.16.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Mopub mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name: 'mopub-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-base-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-banner-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-fullscreen-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-native-static-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-native-video-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-volley-2.1.0', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'omsdk-android-1.3.16', ext: 'aar')
implementation "androidx.annotation:annotation:1.1.0"
implementation "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0"
implementation "androidx.media2:media2-player:1.0.2"
implementation "androidx.media2:media2-session:1.0.2"
implementation "androidx.media2:media2-widget:1.0.2"
implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.1.0"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:1.3.71"
Remove Mopub

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • mopub-sdk-5.16.4.aar
  • mopub-sdk-banner-5.16.4.aar
  • mopub-sdk-base-5.16.4.aar
  • mopub-sdk-fullscreen-5.16.4.aar
  • mopub-sdk-native-static-5.16.4.aar
  • Mopub-sdk-native-video-5.16.4.aar
  • Mopub-volley-2.1.0.aar
  • omsdk-android-1.3.16.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Mopub mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name: 'mopub-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-base-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-banner-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-fullscreen-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-native-static-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-sdk-native-video-5.16.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'mopub-volley-2.1.0', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'omsdk-android-1.3.16', ext: 'aar')
implementation "androidx.annotation:annotation:1.1.0"
implementation "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0"
implementation "androidx.media2:media2-player:1.0.2"
implementation "androidx.media2:media2-session:1.0.2"
implementation "androidx.media2:media2-widget:1.0.2"
implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.1.0"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:1.3.71"


Add StartApp
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds StartApp mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy following files into libs directory:
    • startapp-mediation.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds StartApp mediation in dependencies.
implementation(name:'startapp-mediation', ext:'aar')
Remove StartApp

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • startapp-mediation.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds StartApp mediation in dependencies.

implementation(name:'startapp-mediation', ext:'aar')


Add Tapjoy
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Tapjoy mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • tapjoy-mediation.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Tapjoy mediation in dependencies.
implementation (name:'tapjoy-mediation', ext:'aar')
Remove Tapjoy

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • tapjoy-mediation.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Tapjoy mediation in dependencies.

implementation (name:'tapjoy-mediation', ext:'aar')


Add Vungle
  1. Make sure that the latest ConsoliAds Mediation SDK is integrated in your android project.
  2. Go to ConsoliAds portal and download ConsoliAds Vungle mediation SDK (https://portal.consoliads.com/download/adnetworksdk/Android).
  3. Copy the following files into libs directory:
    • vungle-mediation.aar
    • vungle-android-sdk-6.9.1.aar
  4. In app level “build.gradle”, add ConsoliAds Vungle mediation in dependencies.
implementation (name:'vungle-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name: 'vungle-android-sdk-6.9.1', ext: 'aar')
Remove Vungle

Please remove the following files from your project:

  • vungle-mediation.aar
  • vungle-android-sdk-6.9.1.aar

In app level “build.gradle”, remove ConsoliAds Vungle mediation in dependencies.

implementation (name:'vungle-mediation', ext:'aar')
implementation(name: 'vungle-android-sdk-6.9.1', ext: 'aar')

More Help Sources of Integration

ConsoliAds Sample Project:

You can download the sample project from https://portal.consoliads.com/download/Android to see complete ConsoliAds integration already implemented for all ad formats.

Youtube Videos:

You can watch short integrations videos on your youtube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nExp4zfb0xc, to further explore integrations with ConsoliAds.

ConsoliAds GitHub forum

If you are having any technical issues, you can visit https://github.com/teamconsoliads/sampleapp-android to view known issues, share problems and suggestions.

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