
Gaming Trends in the Metaverse 2022: How will things change?

In recent years, the digital world has dramatically evolved for good. From opening new opportunities to find leisure, earn, connect and have fun, the digital space has given us multiple reasons to depend on. Where the world was gradually adapting to the digital evolution, pandemic took the world by storm. Aggravating the human dependency and the growth of the development industry, the pandemic pushed people to stay indoors with restrictions on physical interaction.

This caused fast-paced developments in the digital world, especially in the gaming sector. From multiple interactive games, food delivery apps to a diverse range of connectivity apps and software, people actively began to use digital utilities. This, however, was merely the first step into the progressing digital space.

Later in 2021, the world was not completely done with the pandemic and the consequent digital evolution when another powerful term started to actively circulate. You guessed it right, we are talking about the Metaverse!

It was in October 2021 when Metaverse started making rounds on prominent spheres around the world. But in reality, Metaverse can be traced back to 1992 when Neal Stephenson described it as a concept in his cyberpunk novel Snow Crash. So what really happened in October 2021? Metaverse became a popular term when Facebook launched itself as a Metaverse company named Meta. So what is the Metaverse and why does everyone want to be a part of it?

What is the Metaverse?

Everyone today wants to know about the Metaverse and understand its dynamics. Here is a simplified answer to what is it all about…

The Metaverse is an all-inclusive virtual 3D world that can be customized and developed via internet-based utilities. But not to forget, it takes loads and loads of real-time data backed by the latest high-end technology. This digital 3D virtual space can only be accessed by using special support gear that helps a user enter the Metaverse.   

In other words, Metaverse is a new augmented reality created in the virtual world. The users in the Metaverse can connect, live, trade, travel and do much beyond any limitations of the real world. Sounds really exciting, but all this will be possible in years to come. The Metaverse is still developing across multiple verticals. Many tech giants from across the globe are investing in the development of the Metaverse making it decentralized unlike Web 2.0.

Besides the expected delay in the complete development of the Metaverse, one vertical is still rapidly thriving within. And that is the gaming sector!

Yes, you have read it right, gaming in the Metaverse is already getting in shape and the world is quite fondly accepting it. From Second Life, Roblox, Sandbox to Fortnite, you name it, so many games today are growing with the Metaverse prototype and people are literally loving them. From here, there is no looking back, the gaming vertical is expected to rule the Metaverse in 2022!

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s explore the gaming trends in the Metaverse and how things will change…     

Gaming Trends in the Metaverse 2022

Metaverse is a completely new concept for many to understand and accept. But gaming is something that has enabled people to easily accept the concept of the Metaverse. All these Metaverse games today not just provide a hands-on gaming experience but also connect players from across the globe. Players can directly speak or interact in the existing chat rooms.

Fair spot-on gameplay with unlimited power to connect is just the basic model of how gaming in the Metaverse is. The trends, however, revolve around these…

Free to Play and Play to Earn Gaming

The Metaverse gives users unlimited opportunities to play games for free. These games are usually based on a storyline, where users can not just create their avatars but also create the virtual reality around them. Free to play games allow users to connect with other players and complete quests with respect to the game rules. Besides this simple model, play to earn majorly rules the Metaverse.

Over 44% of internet users stated that investment into cryptocurrency and NFTs was the reason to enter the Metaverse. Whereas, other stated entertainment and work opportunities. The play to earn games in the Metaverse absolutely align with the interest of many. But, to be able to play these, users have to spend in order to earn and require a blockchain crypto wallet.

Some common examples of play to earn games are Sandbox, Decantraland, Second Life and Axie Infinity. These games allow users to trade NFTs – non-fungible tokens in the form of land, avatars, digital IPs and more. NFTs backed by blockchain cryptocurrency enable this process in the Metaverse. Players in the play to earn games are even rewarded in the form of NFTs. In 2021, NFT-based games hit up record revenue of USD 2.32 billion. This clearly explains that play to earn games will evidently grow in 2022 as well.

Transmedia Gaming

Metaverse gaming is expected to become an effective marketing medium for many. The world is going crazy about every single development associated with the Metaverse. Similarly, understanding the limitless dynamics, people look forward to the events in Metaverse. Considering this, the users in the Metaverse are expected to be introduced to Transmedia Gaming.

This means that gaming in the Metaverse will revolve around a solid narrative, characters and settings from the dramas, seasons and movies from the real world. A user will not just be consuming content on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or television channels such as HBO, but will also be consuming the same theme in a Metaverse game. This altogether is no less than a perfect marketing opportunity for media giants to subliminally spread awareness around an upcoming or existing masterpiece content.

To add more to the ease of marketing in the Metaverse, the Immersive AdsTM by ConsoliAds open doors for advertisers in this 3D virtual reality. Besides, these ads are another effective way of monetizing and soaring revenues in the Metaverse. The Immersive AdsTM perfectly fit into the Metaverse environment and VR to create a realistic effect.

Hence, with these developments, users will become part of the narrative and compete around the game mechanics in the Metaverse with no disruption. A user will be seen dressed up as Hodor or maybe a White Walker from the famous Game of Thrones and will be able to see billboards with innovative ads. You never know!


The gaming Metaverse trends in 2022 are all about entertainment and innovative ways of promotion. Game in the Metaverse will no longer just be games but will act as the new medium for marketing and promotion alongside trade. The Metaverse is expected to become a real-time virtual marketplace and that too with gaming evolving side by side.

It is high time to step into the world of gaming in the Metaverse and start earning with fun! 

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